Rapid Relief for Stomach Discomfort: Polisorb offers prompt relief for various stomach issues including upset stomach, nausea, and discomfort. Ideal for those times when your meal doesn't sit well, providing effective situational support in as little
Easy-to-Use, Family-Friendly Formula: Simply mix Polisorb with water or any clear liquid for a straightforward, easy-to-consume remedy. Suitable for both adults and children, it's a versatile solution for the whole family's tummy troubles. 2 Tbsp ser
Natural Cleansing Process: Made with the sole active ingredient of natural silicon dioxide, Polisorb works by binding to toxins in the digestive tract, aiding your body's natural elimination process without harsh chemicals.*
Supports Regular Detox and Cleanse Routines: Ideal for periodic digestive tract cleanses, Polisorb can be consumed up to three times daily for 5 to 7 days, assisting in maintaining gut health and overall wellbeing.*
Hydration-Focused Detox: Stay hydrated during your cleanse with Polisorb. Designed to complement a healthy hydration routine, it encourages drinking 8-12 glasses of water daily for optimal digestive health.*