Highlights- Step into the HyperDrive ZoneIt Comes on as You Fade with DRcaps™Site-Specific DeliveryIntense FocusProgressive Hyperactive EnergyTargeted Weight LossAchieve Legendary ResultsDietary SupplementGMP Quality Assured
OverviewStep into the HyperDrive ZoneIt Comes on as You Fade with DRcaps™Site-Specific DeliveryIntense FocusProgressive Hyperactive EnergyTargeted Weight LossAchieve Legendary ResultsDietary SupplementGMP Quality AssuredALR upped the weight loss game with HyperDrive 4.0 by introducing the clinically proven ingredient Cirsium Oligophyllum. This wonder plant is part of the thistle family and is said to be completely edible in the real world. The flowers are often fried as a delicacy in Asia and Russia. But as a weight loss ingredient, this plant provides some terrific benefits by increasing the potential for weight loss. Cirsium Oligophyllum possesses an affinity as a beta-2 agonist which has been shown to help stimulate weight loss by utilizing fatty acids for fuel. In addition, when combined with caffeine, it provides a synergistic effect allowing the two to function even more efficiently than if each were taken alone. But best of all, this product has been formulated to potentially provide you with a calming effect while slowly decreasing its effects. What does this mean? Simply put, it is a no crash formula!