OverviewColor as photo Size 120 cm x 180 cm Material Karaca Home Gordion Stripe 80 cm x 150 cm Carpet Features of our carpet Our carpets are woven at a frequency of 624,000 per square meter. While normal machine rugs are woven from 8 color yarn, our Gordion collection carpets are woven with 16 colors of yarn, thus obtaining a high-resolution image. 7 mm high filament extra soft Polypropylene yarn is used. Weight: 2100 gr / m2 (80X150: 2520 gr and 120x180: 4535 gr) Our carpet, which consists of cotton yarn at the base, has a soft texture. Thanks to its antiallergic structure, it does not remove material substances such as dust that cause asthma and allergic diseases. Do Not Mix Our Product With Non-Slip Floor Carpets. Cleaning You can easily vacuum the carpets with vacuum cleaner dust collectors. You can wipe it with a wet and damp cloth using carpet detergents. You can choose carpet washing machines or carpet washing companies and wash them. Size: 80 cm x 150 cm Material 35% Cotton 65% Polypropylene