Gong-Gi Game: Throw five stones on the ground. Pick up a stone and throw it in the air. While the stone is in the air, pick up the stones on the ground first, then the stone in the air. Repeat this action to empty the ground.
Whirlpool Game: Wrap a string around the base of the whirlpool, then quickly pull the free end to launch it. You can also hit the base of the whirlpool with the string to keep it spinning. Compete to see who spins their whirlpool the longest.
Dadakji Game: The key to this game is to hit the other player's poster from above with yours hard, when you hit the other player's poster, it will jump and flip, and you win.
Pisokji Game: Players take turns throwing stones into a designated area on the ground. If a stone lands inside, the others try to hit it with their stones to get it out. The game combines skill and strategy in a fun challenge.
Jibby Chaggy Game: Players throw air dolls into the air and kick them with their feet, trying to keep them in the air for as long as possible without them falling. You can compete with family or friends to see who can kick the most times.
Model Number
Model Name
Korean Traditional Game Set, Family Party Stone Catch Game, Hand-Eye Coordination Training Game for Multiplayer Games