Dog Fest's special lamb meat treats are made with 100% human-grade lamb and vegetable by-products. Our protein-filled lamb dog treats are soft, chewy, and super delicious. Your small-breed puppies and dogs will love them.
Our low-carb, high protein, chewy lamb medallions are all-natural dog treats. They help promote rich flavors, provide a vital source of fiber, and give your dog a treat to munch on that won't compromise their health.
Unlike other dog training treats, which are full of preservatives and fillers, our soft dog treats contain no E-supplements and preservatives.
Our zip-lock package keeps the healthy dog treats fresh as it contains an oxygen absorber inside to preserve maximum freshness. No matter how many times you open the bag
3X55 grams
Type of Pet
Model Number
Lamb Medallions Soft Handcrafted Treats For Mini And Small Dogs 3X55g