On Which Days Is It Distributed? 1- Baby Mawlids 2- On Your Returns from Hajj and Umrah 3- At Death Mawlids 4- At Your Circumcision Ceremonies 5- On Days Such as Marriage, Engagement, Wedding 6- At Baby's 40th Mawlids 7- At Home Mawlids 8- On Birthdays 9- Soldiers Mawlids 10- And the best gift on your special days… Gift Sticker Label It is sufficient to write the sticker label note you would like to be written for this Yasin-i Şerif that you will distribute on your special days in the Notes on your order (optional) section without error.
Note: Labels are sent in a file with your order. Pasting is the responsibility of the buyer. Our 64 Page Yasin Content; Dua to be Read When Starting to Read the Quran1. Surah Fatiha 2. Surah Baqarah / Alif Lam Mim 3. Ayetel Kürsi 4. Amenerrasulu 5. Levenzelna 6. Shahidallahu 7. Salati Tefriciye 8. Salati Munciye 9. Yasini Sharif Prayer 10. Surah Yasin 11. Surah Al-Mulk (The Exalted in Mulk) 12. Surah An-Naba (The Amme) 13. Surah Humeza 14. Surah Al-Fil 15. Surah Quraysh 16. Surah Maun 17. Surah Al-Kawthar 18. Surah Kafirun 19. Surah An-Nasr 20. Surah Tabbat 21. Surah Ikhlas 22. Surah Al-Falaq 23. Surah An-Nas 24. Surah Jumuah
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