OverviewÜRüN Nameı:Cici Orange Terrarium Floor Gel ÜIüN Quantityı: 100 G ÜIüN Detailsı: Terrarium Ground Gel çDouble Bottomı Put it in the pot. It is melted slowly over the lowest heat on an electric stove or normal stove. It is completely liquid. It is mixed until it is formed. The Effect Gel, which starts to cool slightly, is ready for use. You can create wonderful effects by pouring it into any bowl you wish. Terrarium Making: - İFirst Firstş As Your Container You must choose (your bowl). Make sure that the bowl you choose is deep enough and wide enough to suit your needs. 246;Moisture should be shown. - "White" stones are placed in the lower part of the bowl. It must be placed. The Stones Placed Below Prevent the Water That Will Accumulate at the Bottom of the Container. It undertakes the task of absorbing moisture and prevents the roots of the plant from drying out. It blocks. - Sprinkle Activated Charcoal on White Stones. Thus, it helps the soil to stay fresher. It will happen. Also, What to Prevent Bacteria That May Occur Inside Your Coal Container and in the Soil? #231;Rek will prevent mold formation. - POUR PEITTY ONTO YOUR COAL CARDS AND PRESS IT WITH YOUR HANDS. Peat is used in the cultivation of all kinds of plants and provides the most ideal growth environment for the plant. It is the soil that provides. - Then Place Your Plants By Creating Small Pits. - After Placing the Plants, It Depends Completely on Your Imagination. As such, you can decorate it with small objects.