Book Description | It is true that here and there were to be found a few scientistsearnestly investigating and eagerly uncovering the hidden truthsconcerning the subjects. But the mass of the people were eitherentirely ignorant of the subject or else were intensely skepticalof anything concerning the matter, laughing to scorn the daringthinker who ventured to express his interest or belief in thisgreat scientific phenomena. There are undoubtedly vibrations set upin the brain when one thinks, and there are undoubtedly waves ofthought just as there are waves of electricity. Science informs usthat there is an increase in temperature in the human brain duringperiods of thought activity, and also that there are constantchemical changes in the structure going on when the brain cells areactive. This is akin to the generation of electricity in a battery,and undoubtedly acts in the same way producing vibrations, andtransmitting them to the brain of another. |