OUTSTANDING, EVEN-LOOKING COVERAGE. Our foundation blends with your skin without blocking the pores, ensuring an even-looking result over time and total comfort; A small amount dabbed onto imperfections is enough to obtain excellent coverage.
LASTING, FRESH-FACED APPEAL. Whether you're looking to correct dark circles or cover imperfections, this lasting formula is ideal for all day wear; Our foundation is designed to adhere to the skin and stay put throughout all your daily activities.
FOR A SMOOTH, FLAWLESS FINISH. The creamy texture of our foundation does not cling to any dry patches or texture, so you can achieve an effortless smooth base; The result is a naturally flawless finish that is barely detectable.
PUPA MILANO - MADE IN ITALY. Pupa Milano is all about creativity, design, trends and "Made in Italy" beauty; Discover our complete range of luxury makeup, skin care, beauty kits, and sun care products; Perfect for any occasion, big or small.
CHANNELING VITALITY VIA SENSORIAL EXPERIENCES. Colors, textures and sensorial emotions are continuously evolving thanks to scientific research, state of the art technology and innovation; PUPA Milano is makeup and skin care with top quality appeal.