Reduces active acne: kapiva skin foods acne ease fizz contains natural ingredients whose antimicrobial action helps reduce active acne.
Amla, harad & bahera : kapiva triphala juice is loaded with natural ayurvedic herbs like amla, harad and bahera. in ayurvedic studies, triphala is considered a tridoshic rasayana that balances all the three doshas namely - kapha, pitta and vata.
100% ayurvedic : kapiva triphala juice is made using the ‘kwath’ or decoction process which involves taking precise quantities of the three herbs and boiling them in water for over eight hours, in order to retain maximum benefits.
5000 year old ayurvedic bhavana process: made by blending potent herbs by 5000 year old, research proven ayurvedic bhavana process for better absorption of herbs.