Book Description | Tales of Ghouls, written by Abdul Rahim Baghlnami... A shaggy, hairy head appeared as if the strands of hair looked like worms, then two eyes appeared, searching the place like two burning coals, and she said: “Here you have found me, Azazel!” Then she narrowed her eyes, examined him carefully, and said: “No! You are not Azazel, so who are you, you bastard?!” Then he said to her, his legs trembling: “I... I am Dahman, and I came to you to find out the truth!” Mukasha laughed, giggling, and in the blink of an eye, she gloated in front of him and stuck. She turned her face to his face and began to smell his scent, then said: “The smell of blood! Which of the facts do you want to know? The truth about the servant Baruz? Or King Solomon? Or the one who dragged Pharaoh’s feet into the sea and led Haman astray? Or the seven worlds and what exists after the world of regret? |