Hojicha is roasted green tea. This special tea is made from tea leaf stems or twigs (Kukicha) from the Gyokuro (shade grown) harvest, and is therefore referred to specifically in the Kyoto region as Karigane ("Wild Goose").
The origins of the Karigane ("Wild Goose") designation are somewhat obscure, but may relate to the claim that migrating geese rest on bunches of floating twigs.
Machine harvested in mid-May (first flush). Blended from several farms in Ujitawara, Kyoto Prefecture, Japan. Prepared by steaming, kneading, sieving, cutting, sorting and drying.
Produce of Japan, packaged in USA. Naturally gluten free. Highly valued by practitioners of the macrobiotic diet.
Shelf Life
2 year
Teas Unique Japanese Uji Karigane Kukicha Hojicha Roasted Green Tea, 100g