Book Description | The Odyssey is the second most famous Western epic after the Iliad, and it is considered its continuation. It tells the story of the Greek hero Odysseus "Ulysses", king of the city of Ithaca, during his journey to return after the fall of Troy, which took ten years and was thought to have died during the Trojan War. The Odyssey also covers the story of his wife Penelope, who remained waiting for her husband, abstaining from marriage. Odysseus forgot to offer sacrifices to the gods after his victory and before sailing, and he is exposed to the wrath of the sea god Poseidon, and his journey is filled with obstacles. He was sentenced to exile for ten years, so he descended to the other world to ask the wise men of the dead about the way back, while in Ithaca the nobles surrounded the palace of Penelope, Odysseus’ wife, and demanded that she marry one of them, so she convinced them to wait until she finished sewing the wedding dress. The Odyssey is considered more poetic and profound than the Iliad, in which the qualities of faith, nobility, and art are common, derived from the spirit of the goddess of wisdom, Minerva and Penelope, Odysseus’ wife. |