Helmet for toddlers running infant helmet for crawling walking protective cap is adjustable, and baby helmet for crawling walking suits for baby age 8-60 months and head circumference
The outer layer is made of cotton, the fill-in layer is a high density and elastic sponge free from smell. The sponge offers shock-absorbing and can reduce the impact force when hit in daily use.
The head cushion can effectively protect the baby during the collision and the friction caused by the bump and fall.
The bumper bonnet does provide a shock absorption, impact resistance and cushioning effect, prevent or reduce injuries.
The baby head protective cap is designed for your active kids who are learning to walk, craw and stand, it can definitely save him/her from multiple bumps and bruises. Also suit for daily indoor outdoor use.(Not suit for biking)
Model Number
Model Name
Baby Infant Toddler Helmet No Bump Safety Head Cushion Bumper Bonnet Adjustable Protective Cap Child Safety Headguard Hat for Running